

DEFENDER CLAIMS SERVICE loves helping people connect to money they are owed that they didn't know was theirs.

Please check out the rest of this website and our reviews, but we want to get you reconnected with your money!

What's the catch? We have a responsibility to ensure that the client we work for is really the claimant... not a hacker, not a scammer, not a thief...

We can only do that by scheduling an appointment with a certified Notary Public to get your State-Approved Identification... (you can ask for their credentials too) so if you are NOT the person we messaged: This is where you fakers get off!

Now, that we've take care of that...

Let's get on the same page, feel free to browse the FAQ Section, and give us a call at 314-246-9625 to meet and get clear on want DEFENDER CLAIMS SERVICE can do for you!